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Did anyone else just go to a scary visual place?

i've been messing with my website a bit today. consequently, i broke some stuff on my style sheet, and it took me forever to figure out what i did wrong. truth-be-told, i still don't know what i did to fix it. golive fixed it for me. i think. anyway, it's apple's fault. and i mean that in a good way. word on the street is that panther is ready to go GM anyday. the rumors put the release at oct. 24th. but who listens to rumors? i do. so i'm getting ready for panther. my computer, at home, is a bit of a mess. it needs some serious organization. and a major backup done. so i was digging through some of the older junk, and i found a bunch of stuff i decided i might as well put up. some of it's just because it cracks me up. consequently, i got no organizing done.

what was my point? oh yeah, because of panther, i was messing about with the website. and that's when i broke my style sheet. which i had to fix. so i didn't get as much done as i wanted. i did put one thing up. this is a page from a design i was messing with a long long time ago, for uberbrain.com. back when the vision for uberbrain was much more elaborate. the reason i am putting it up, is because i like the roll over portraits i did. they make me laugh. so does the scary email.

oh, speaking of software releases.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

ha! lonnie is funny. he's definitely got uber potential. we should train him.

and the layout is great. i love your drawings! he!

and in other software news, another Sims expansion comes out next month. :D

I am very behind and I'm trying to catch up on blogs. I am very disappointed not to see any Eddie pictures here.

love the rollover portraits. very cute! :)

thank you... those roll over portraits are remarkably accurate, really. i look EXACTLY like that, except i'm more often than not wearing a pair of green eyeglasses. and i DO have a nose.