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Dogs guard; cats watch... and judge.

According to my string cheese wrapper, it's the trivia version, cats are indeed smarter than dogs. No surprise to me, I've lived with plenty of both. Cats, apparently, have an IQ that is surpassed only by the monkey, chimp, and humans. Something tells me that that the cats would say, if humans really do test at better than cats, it's because we've done a poor and inadequate job designing the test. Which is probably true. If we were smarter than cats, then we'd have designed our daily lives to include as many naps as they manage to have in daily cat life. And no, I'm not saying this because Pru is atop the monitor, giving me threatening looks to set the record straight.

Nonetheless, smart as she may be, I didn't see her dealing with a migraine this morning. And we have a family in my saying... no brains, no headache.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

what about dolphins?

the cheese does not mention dolphins.

"And we have a family in my saying..."

Heh, that gave me a much needed chuckle this afternoon!

Now I love my dogs, but yeah, the cats are definitely smarter, a LOT smarter!