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Urgant Birthday Update

Tessa and Louise just called from work to sing Happy Birthday to me. And to inform me that apparently, ironically, someone is attempting to share my birthday with me. It would appear that THE MONKEE claims today as his birthday as well. Yes! It's true. I didn't believe them at first, but I guess it's true.

It doesn't matter, I had it first. They say he's younger than me. When I am done squeezing whatever birthday joy there is in this day, he can have what is left.

I wonder if anyone has told Amelia.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

that simian bastard!!!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Jodiferous (goddess of all things)
Happy Birthday to you

You are so sneakyyy.

feliz cumpleanos!!

Happy Birthday!!! Have a good one. Enjoy the time off. Have some cake for me!

Happy B day

thank you everyone! :)

Yes, I suck, because I did not wish you happy birthday yesterday.

So I will do it today. I hope your day was filled with joy and blessings. Enjoy the rest of your time off!!

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