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A box of tampons and some Marlboro lights.

I'm working from home today, as you can see, because I have a cold, but a long long list of things I am behind on. I'm enjoying the peace and quiet and heating vent right by where my feet rest, under the desk.

Last night, I was thinking about Christmas. How hectic it can be. How easily people lose their tempers and become intolerant to the fact that they exist in a world full of other people. It happens to me too. Especially in parking garages. But, I'm try to be patient and keep a sense of humor. Because the alternative is a lot of energy used in negative ways.

So, in an attempt to keep, and spread, the holiday spirit, I will post some of my favorite non-traditional Holiday songs, over the next few weeks, for everyone to enjoy. Today I give you "Merry Christmas From the Family" by Jill Sobule, one of your more realistic xmas songs.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

"How easily people lose their tempers and become intolerant to the fact that they exist in a world full of other people."

Weren't we just talking about this? Well I guess that was an extreme case. ;-)

Ha ha ha. Love this song. My family is getting more and more like this song every year!

I try to focus all my negative energy into rants online. Sometimes little issues become mountains when exacerbated by this holiday stress, but by yelling at my corner of the blogsphere about whatever is pissing me off, I find my spleen well and trully vented.


Bestest Hogswatch song ever. I like Jill Sobule quite a lot, but was unaware of this version. Thanks bunches for sharing it!
