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Then and Now: Episode 18 Middle Me

I don't think I could explain the twisted path I take to find the Then and Now songs, all I know is it's more difficult when I try to find them. It's best just to stumble over them. Happily, while tripping on this week's, I found next week's as well. And it's a 3-fer.

More than one person has expressed shock at my lack of familiarity with Leonard Cohen. With the exception of "First We Take Manhattan" and "I'm Your Man" I'm not well schooled in his music. I'm waiting for someone to be my Leonard Cohen sensei, I guess. But, this song caught my eye, namely because, well, Suzanne is my middle name.

Suzanne - Leonard Cohen


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

didn't he originally perform "famous blue raincoat" which tori covered beautifully? that's the only song of his i know, and i really only know tori's version.

Will I be shunned for life if I say that Mr Cohen didn't do it for me? Peter's version was a little closer :)

you obviously need to spend more time perusing your aunt's music collection ;)

PS. "Sisters of Mercy" was one of my favorites.

eh. i didn't particularly care for either.

we would never shun you, jack. everyone is entitled to their opinion. unless you think picard is cooler than yoda.

I've gotta say, Leonard's songs are great but his performances of them have never done it for me. Peter Gabriel's version is simply fantastic. It's been part of my collection for years.