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I was thinking...

Nowadays, everyone says that no self respecting woman would be caught dead wearing a scrunchy in her hair. I've read it several places. They talked about it on Sex in the City, so you know it's true. But I often use scrunchies to pull my hair up into a look I affectionately call a "curl mass." [because if you say it affectionately it sounds cuter.]

So is it ok if I wear an occasional scrunchie if I do it ironically?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

My kitty loves hair scrunchies.

Sure. If everyone will acknowledge that the mullet I had back in the 80's was a total stab at irony on my part.

You in a scrunchie is ok with me, as long as that is the only thing you are wearing :)

Scrunchies are out? Heh. Who knew? I haven't had enough hair for a scrunchy in YEARS.

people who buck the trend can also be cool rebels.

Wear that scrunchy proudly! Don't let the fashion mavens dictate your personal style. Oh, except regarding gaucho pants. Never, ever wear those.

Miz S, I'm sure that rule applies unless you are an honest-to-goodness Gaucho, of course. After all, I didn't go through 4 years of vocational Gaucho school just to have someone deny me my damn pants! Let me have my pants!

Scrunchies went out of style when Carrie Bradshaw began straightening her hair. Coincidence? I think not.

I think the ironic aspect can work. Just glare down anyone who dares to snicker.

can anyone even see the scrunchy in the 'curl mass?' Go with what you like, girlfriend. Although, I prefer chopsticks or a ballpoint pen for that purpose, myself. Plus, then I have a pen when i need to write something.