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I was thinking...

my family needs help from abc tv's Supernanny. Sure, I live alone with a cat, but I don't like my attitude, I have behavioral problems. Someone is going to spend some time in the Naughty Corner, if she's not careful.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Good one!
In the case of my family, we ran out of corners before we ran out of naughty children. My parents made us stand outside once the corners were used up...as they say, its fun whilst the sun is shining.

But Jodi, if you were really, really naughty, then the Supernanny would strip you and tie you to the bed and do unspeakable things* to you.

(*I say unspeakable because I do not have a blog on which to speak them.)

Ooh, I was wondering if those techniques would work on cats. Something tells me no, though -- my cat would merely climb the walls of the Naughty Corner and yowl relentlessly until her time was up, then scamper off without apologizing.

They might be ok on Jodis, but the Naughty Corner better not have wireless internet access...

Perhaps we can assist you without the supernanny. Shall we get the chair and egg timer?