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Pray for him, if you are into that.

I bought a plant. His name is Kevin. I don't know what possessed me to buy it, because plants tend to be short lived in my care. I have not had a plant in, probably, 10 years. First of all, like I said, they die in my home. And then, when I got the B, she ate what plants remained. She also ate the electrical cords, my shoes, my favorite chambray blue button up boys shirt from J. Crew. And even tho she passed away five years ago, RIP The B, I never bothered getting any new plants to kill.

Anyway, his name is Kevin, and wish him luck because he probably won't make it to autumn.


Man, I need a haircut.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Kevin looks like a Lush Green Plant. Looks healthy. Im sure it will survive. Im terrible at plant keeping, but I managed to keep one plant alive. Sometimes I see it totally wilting and I think its going to bite the biscuit...but, I just talk to it and give it something to drink(usually water,unless Im having a beer..then, I feel obligated to share.)and it's still kicking. Good Luck with Kevin.

Pawn it off to the kids. Make it an educational experience :)

alas, poor kevin. is he truly destined to join every plant i've ever owned in plant heaven?

I suck at having plants. I've killed several cactuses. The truth is, they're a lot tougher to raise than people think, so don't blame me.

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