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novembre 22, 2003

Tonight? We make soap.

i am a product junkie. i admit it. a product, for the sake of this entry, is something one uses on one's skin, body, hair, face... whatever, to make oneself more attractive, or perhaps to look younger. or to make one's hair shinier. or all of the above. i don't include makeup in that category. it has it's own special category called "makeup." i'm less of a makeup junkie. although i do like nail polish. i mostly only wear mascara. but it's good mascara. or should i say bad mascara? anyway, i'm in good company. i was reading another journal today, about The Soap. That's what she called it. The Soap. it's a japanese soap you have to order online, and it's $34. and the thing is, i can believe it. i can believe it's that good, and worth $34 dollars. it's supposed to last 3 months, which is $11 a month. so i'm curious about The Soap, and i do a little reading about it. now i want The Soap. why not? don't i deserve to glow? i think i do. i just know that this Soap could change my life. it could make everything better. but am i buying the Soap? no. because the IRS has stolen all the joy from my life. they keep me from things like fabulous, expensive, japanese soap. bastards.

speaking of soaps, here's another one i love. this one's for the entire you, and it's absolutely delightful. it's chocolate milk soap. it's french. or at least half the label is in french, so maybe it's canadian, i don't know. it makes my regular liquid shower soap feel like gas station restroom hand soap. i can't describe it, it's just so ... rich and creamy. the chocolate scent is very very subtle. and it comes in other "flavors" all of them in a glass milk bottles, pump sold separately. but it's $27 a bottle. so it's not my every day soap. it's my couple times a week soap. my "sunday night too bad i have to go back to work i need a treat" soap. maybe if i am good, santa will bring me another bottle of chocolate milk soap for christmas. i can just see santa, in the guise of my mom, Pattie, saying to herself "twenty seven dollars? FOR SOAP?" best we don't tell santa pattie about the other Soap.

one thing the irs cannot take away from me is my girl shanti. shanti does my eyebrows. she used to wax more of me, but those luxuries were sacrificed as well. all i know, is things better be looking up by late spring, i am NOT going to shave my legs all summer. however, the irs can do a lot of things to me, but they cannot make me give up the brow wax. never underestimate the power of a well groomed eyebrow people. it makes all the difference in the world. more difference, i imagine, than any japanese soap. not that i would know. *pout*

i saw shanti this morning, got my brows done. they look fabulous. before i left the house, i read some überblog entries. my friends had written about their ecological concerns, maximizing benefits while reducing costs, building communities of like-minded people and spiritual quests to shed the ego. [i haven't figured out, yet, what that means, i'll let you know when kam explains it to me.] and what do i post about? expensive Products.

god i love being shallow.

Posted by jodi at novembre 22, 2003 09:12 PM


the blackness of that soap reminds me of a mask that a friend gave my sister once. my sister is allergic to everything, so she gave it to me. it was a black mud mask by erno laszlo, and it was AMAZING. it was like $36, though, so i never bought any when the original ran out. i'm glad that i can resist the product. i really should try to resist the eyebrow threading less, though, because i could definitely benefit from doing it more often.

Posted by: arifa at novembre 24, 2003 12:25 PM

ahhh ... yes. the mask. you've told me about the mask. and don't think i am not tempted to try it. especially now. my skin is CRANKY!!

Posted by: jodi at novembre 24, 2003 12:30 PM

I have chocolate soap envy...Why you ask? I went to the site and clicked on my state to find a store that sells the delectable soap and we dont have any stores in our state that are cool enough to carry said soap...That is why women in the northeast look like hags sooner...We lack good soap....And now I have soap envy. At least you have chocolate soap Jodi....

I need a good facial....*sigh*

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 24, 2003 05:32 PM

sandy, it's worth ordering online. you will drool when you carees your skin with gentle, soft chocolate milk soap. it's the best body soap ever. and my bottle is almost empty. :(

Posted by: jodi at novembre 24, 2003 07:06 PM

maybe santa will visit and bring some? for both of us perhaps (two seperate bottles of course. lol)

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 24, 2003 07:54 PM

Eyebrow threading comes to you in New York City! I am a perfectionist and have been doing threading for over 7 years. I can give you a beautiful shape that is sexy, shaped and defined. Talk to me about your brows and what kind of shape you would like. Email me at Berribrow@yahoo.com or call 646-245-6845.

Posted by: bee at avril 14, 2004 04:39 PM