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fun with scrotum time!!!

So, the other day I was reading this post, and it really hit home for me. Well, sortof. It's not so much that our son kicks me in the balls, or even that he kicks his dad in the balls (which would make slightly more sense and require less explanations as to how I gave birth to him), but rather, it got me thinking about the damage our son seems intent upon inflicting on his own balls. And penis, for that matter. You see, about a week ago while he was in the bath, he discovered that he could grab his balls. And he does. RELIGIOUSLY. Every night. Oh, and his father gives him his nightly bath. Bathtime in this household has been renamed Fun With Scrotum Time. Fun for babies, maybe. But definitely NOT fun for dads. My poor husband sits in there watching the spectacle, trying to distract our son from yanking, squishing, and generally mangling his balls. All the while feeling the pain his son should be feeling. Doen't bother him, though. He smiles and giggles the whole time.

So, I guess we should just resign ourselves to never having grandchildren. At least none sired by our firstborn. *sigh*


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It sounds like your son replicates the guy off Sex and the City who Charlotte dated. He couldn't stop playing with his balls! Have you been making your son watch Sex and the City?

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