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Looking soooo goood, smelling soooooo baaaaaad

This is the story of my yesterday.

Yesterday, I was all excited because I got to go shopping with my $50 birthday money i got from my Grandma. Since a friend from Montana had called wanting me to go to Forever 21, the best store on the planet when you're poor but want to be stylish, I figured I'd spend my money there. So in honor of said shopping trip, I took a shower. I even shaved my legs. Wait, it gets better: I combed my hair! (there's more) I STYLED my hair! Put on my sexy jeans, black boots, cute black sweater and that pink jacket that matches my glasses, natch. For all intents and purposes, I was looking !soooOOOooo GooooOOOoooOOOd
So, properly dressed and coiffed, off to the mall with me! While at said mall, everyone came up to check out the lad and comment on how cute/big he is. Of course! (the cuteness he gets from me. The bigness, I dunno...) All the while my mom and I keep commenting 'we need to change his diapers, he smells like pee." So we change him, and I swear, i still smell pee. By now, you can probably guess where I'm going with this...
So I'm trying to figure out, did i grab pants for him that weren't really clean? they were in the clean pile... hmm...

Not until i was giving him a bath did i realize, the smell was coming from ME! That's right, he had peed on my sexy jeans a few days ago, and I promptly put them in the laundry bin to be washed. But then yesterday, I though, where are my sexy jeans (having only one pair that look good post-pregnancy)? And i found them no place other than the laundry basket. Quick toss in the dryer to remove the wrinkles and I was set, right? WRONG!!! So, I stank like pee all day. Fun.

Best part of the story? Just as I'm figuring out the pee smell is coming from me, The Husband walks in and wearing his favorite sweater which the lad puked on last week. I asked if he had washed it before wearing it, which he hadn't. Thought I had. When I explained it was still dirty with baby puke, he replied, 'so that's why the guys thought i had cum on my shirt!

The End


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ha! you wore pee smelling sexy jeans to the mall? at least you had the baby you could blame it on.

the cuteness definitely comes from your side of the family. and therefore, mine.

So, did you get the damn lip gloss? I hope you didn't let that little pee machine smell up my lip gloss!!!! Have you ever heard of a washing machine and dryer, it's sort of "21st century" but hey, they are a good thing to have around.

Actually, they were out of your lip gloss. I dug through two bowls of makeup products, but there was NO lip gloss. Sorry. :(

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