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mars 18, 2004

Wonderful. I have to tinkle again. Don't do anything till I get back.

EvilDeb's littlest spawn, my SweetPea, is finally potty trained. However, she seems to want further training. She wants to "pee like a boy." Pee standing up. The only one naive enough to leave her unattended in the bathroom was her Poppa. Her grandfather. She asked him to leave her alone and he did, but he didn't wait out in the hall, he left that part of the house. Soon, he was summoned back to find a tinkle soaked SweetPea, urine all over the bathroom. She was very happy with the results. She peed standing up. Like a boy.

Today, we were discussing her other pee issues she's displayed. When she was still a baby, she liked to remove her diaper, run around naked, and pee on the floor. I think she just wants to be a free form tinkler. In her spawn's defense, EvilDeb sent me here. Where I could learn the tried and true "Finger Method" that allows women to pee standing up. To use urinals. I was very impressed, actually. And I decided that learning how to pee standing up, as a woman, would be a great skill to have. Especially if you were out doors. No more squatting, no more looking for toilet paper. Admit it, girls, you want to know how to pee standing up. Oh sure, not every day, but in a pinch, and when the Women's restroom is forming lines while the Men's remains empty. In fact, I think if you combined this skill, with the Drinking Anyone Under the Table skill, you would, indeed, be a Action Hero.

For research purposes, I need to know the names of the crayon colors in a box of 64 crayons, and the order in which they are shipped, [left to right, top to bottom, left half of the box first, then the right.] AND using the colors we had in the mid 70's. Anyone know? I can fake it for now, but it would be better to know. I could buy a box of crayons, to make note of the exact order, and then replace the newer colors with the original colors, following the timeline on Crayola's chronology website. it would be tricky, but I could do it. But, I thought I'd put out the challenge first. It's for my story. it's for my book, actually, but I am just working on a scene, to bring to writer's group. And send to Loon, because she's let me read all of her writing class homework. It is terribly important to Lucy, that she be able to name all the crayons that appeared in her box, as a child, and the order in which they were placed.

It turns out, this is a day that will never end. I'm sure of it.

Posted by jodi at mars 18, 2004 03:52 PM


Ummmm.....Burnt Sienna. That's the only color, whose name, I remember, besides the standard orange, yellow, green blue, etc.

I am completely clueless as for the order they were in.

Posted by: Romy at mars 18, 2004 04:50 PM

Oh, and I read that "pee standing up" website, for women, probably close to a year ago, as it was posted over on the snopes board. I still haven't gotten around to practicing in the shower, though. Victor hasn't forgotten about it, though, and tries to remind me, but usually he doesn't think of it until after I get out of the shower. Perhaps I should write myself a note, and stick it on the outside of the shower door, so I'll finally remember.

Posted by: Romy at mars 18, 2004 04:52 PM

oh yeah - i remember the pee standing up website. i never got the hang of it, which is too bad. talk about convenient!

Posted by: arifa at mars 18, 2004 05:36 PM

oh sure. everyone knew about the pee standing up website YEARS ago. but did anyone bother telling me? no.

i hate it when you keep secrets. just for that, i am going to learn to become a CHAMPION standing up peer.

Posted by: jodi at mars 18, 2004 05:46 PM