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mars 19, 2004

Snakes trump heights. It goes germs, needles, milk, death, snakes, mushrooms, heights, crowds, elevators.

I visited my plastic surgeon this morning. I have some very stubborn scars from my surgery a year and a half ago. Some of my scars are white and practically invisible. But some are raised and red. I have been using a type of steroid cream on them, and it's working on some of them, but very very slowly. On others, it's not working at all. So this morning, my doctor took a needle and injected the steroid directly into the scars. Now, if you picture a breast reduction in your head... well, don't picture the surgery itself, it's nasty, but the scars you are left with look like an anchor. The bottom part, the smile if you will, runs under the breast. Then there is a line straight up the middle of the underside of the breast. And on top of that line, there is a small circle. Guess what the small circle goes around? Essentially, what my surgeon did this morning was stick needles in my nipples!! Stop and think about that for a second. Really think about what I am saying.

Can you tell I am trying to convey the potential pain and horror of someone injecting something, via syringe into your nippular area? I am. But that's unfair of me. It didn't hurt a bit. I could have just left it, and not explained further. But the truth is, the needle goes into the scar, which has little to no feeling. And it's very very very tiny. The needle. I didn't even feel half of the injections. And the ones I did feel were not painful.

I'm too honest. I should have just left you with the image of getting shots in your boobies. Thinking about it, the idea of it, makes you cringe, doesn't it?

Posted by jodi at mars 19, 2004 11:28 AM


it wasn't painful? it sounds AWFUL. *shudder*

Posted by: arifa at mars 19, 2004 11:57 AM

Yes, as you were explaining, I was cringing. Now I know how men feel when a friend is explaining how they were kicked their very sensitive areas.

Posted by: Sarah at mars 19, 2004 12:04 PM

i'm telling you, it did not hurt a bit. getting your ears pierced hurts 100x's more than this. stubbing your toe hurts more than this. we had talked about doing this from the very beginning, but the idea of needles in my nipples was so horrifying, i wanted to use the topical stuff. silly.

Posted by: jodi at mars 19, 2004 12:26 PM

I always knew you were kinky.

(But yes! You had my poor little boobies ready to shrivel up and die with your lovely verbal images. Thanks.)

Posted by: Wicked at mars 20, 2004 08:04 AM