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mars 19, 2004

Well I may be an outlaw, darlin', but you're the one stealing my heart.

Margaret Cho rocks. Truly she is better than the rest of us. How wonderful would it be to be as honest and open as she is.?

County Commissioner J.C. Fugate, of Rhea County Tennessee, is trying to outlaw homosexuality. "We've got to keep them out of here," he says. ha! The reason Margaret is blowing my mind today, is her response. I want Margaret Cho to be Empress if the United States. And when she is ready to hand out punishments to people like Commissioner Fugate, I want to be on the Punishment Advisory Committee.

Interesting note, Rhea County Courts hosted the ever infamous Scope's Monkey Trial. I think we are going to need to get Clarence Darrow back, to defend the gay public. Or at least Spencer Tracy.

Posted by jodi at mars 19, 2004 12:24 PM
